Does your Vibration Reflect Your Presence Online

Presence and Sharing Who We Are Now I believe is fundamental in raising our Vibration and bringing us that much closer to our Intention.

I’m sure I’m not alone in sharing this experience…

So I have a question?

Does Your Online Space reflect your state of Presence?

Do you have old photos that were taken 5 years ago, that have served their time, when you were in THAT space?

Do you update your website with regular, fresh content to reflect where you are now, so as to bathe in your current Energy and Experience?

Do you post regularly on your Social Media channels?

Whilst it is essential to start with ourselves so as to experience more presence. I encourage you not to forget with your online space can also do with more love and presence….so as to ensure we are fully aligned with our Intentions and Actions

Yes it is far easier to just post updates on your FB Page, however creating content and value long term will also allow you to share the journey of your present experience over time, not only to show how far you have come… but also as a consideration for those who may become your next clients…

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